houston, texas

our mission

To be a body of authentic disciples that impact the world for Christ. Our vision is
manifested through a set of core values, which are grounded in scripture.


  • Love is the greatest blessing received and the greatest of the commandments. To know Him is to know love, that we may love one another (1 John 4). In love, we treat each person with dignity, and in love, we have affection for, provide care for, hold accountable, and serve Epiphany Life Change clients. The Apostle Paul sums up the character of our love in 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7. When differences occur in the Epiphany Life Change Family, we follow Jesus’ teaching for restoration in Matthew 18: 15-18.


  • To live with integrity is to live honestly before God, ourselves, and each other. Epiphany Life Change values individuals who are truthful and authentic. People of God are to be people of their word. As the Holy Spirit is working in us to accomplish our Father’s work, the Epiphany Life Change family must be open, seeking what we need individually to live the lives of integrity. (1 Chronicles 29: 17-18)


  • We intentionally do the right thing to honor God and strive not for perfection to honor ourselves. Epiphany Life Change focuses on the reason and not just results for success. Excellence is a matter of the heart, and we pursue excellence whether someone is watching or not. (Colossians 3:23-24)


  • As Jesus continually serves and ministers to us, we serve and minister to those He has called us to. Our service is not to bring glory to ourselves or the cause but to honor the Lord and bless others. Our service is done whole-heartedly, in the overflow of God’s love and Jesus in us. (II Corinthians 9:12)

Truth: The Word of God is our source of truth for life. 

  • The faithfulness of our Father, the transforming work of the Spirit, and the finished work of Jesus are all available according to scripture. (11 Timothy 2:15)