Hi ELC Family,
We hope you are well and hanging in there through this intense Texas heat!
Our message for the month of August was taken from Luke 13:10 about the woman who had been bent down for 18 years. Even though we are Christians, we can still be oppressed by evil spirits. This has a lot to do with certain agreements we have made about ourselves, God, life, etc. perhaps even before we came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Charles puts it this way: “Even though we are saved, it’s still possible to be bent over and demonically oppressed (not possessed). Sometimes this has to do with things that we allowed into our spirit before we came to Christ and we don’t know anything different so when God sets us free, we still act like we are bound. We see this a lot in our incarcerated brothers and sisters.”
ELC focused on the above passage in the month of August to tend to this common vulnerability within the body of Christ. We wanted to pass this along by way of encouragement to you! Even if you’ve walked with God for many years, there is always more freedom He has in store for you!
In other news, ELC received a one year scholarship for Pastor Charles and our Board of Directors to get expert training from a company called, RevGen. Our focus with this training is to position for growth and be the best we can be as an organization!
Please enjoy our latest Already in White and Connect with “Pastor Big A” videos below. As always, we ask for your continued support through your prayers and giving as we work to make a difference in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
God bless you & God keep you,
Pastor Charles Anderson and the Team at ELC
Meet Jason Karch, the Already in White interview feature for the month of September. Jason shares his transition from a scoffer of Christ to giving his life over to Christ after 8 years in maximum security prison. He states, “I was the most reluctant convert in the state of Texas”. Click the link for more & if you would, share with a friend!
This month, Pastor Charles gives the August update from ELC’s new podcast studio! (Stay tuned for more on that.) Last month, over 50 men gave their lives to Christ, and over 100 men rededicated their lives to Christ! Watch Pastor Charles’ latest Connect on YouTube to get the full scoop on ELC! Thank you for being here!
Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
Written in Red
Tuesdays 6-8PM: Terrell Unit
Climbing Up
Thursdays AM: TBD Clemens Unit
Saturdays 1-3PM: TUMI Plane State Jail, Female Unit
Announcing ELC's First Fundraising Banquet

We are excited to announce that Epiphany Life Change's first ever fundraising banquet will be held Saturday, September 28th! Stay tuned for more details and to register! In the meantime, go ahead and add it to your calendar by clicking the button below. We look forward to seeing you there!
In the Spotlight

Here at Epiphany Life Change, we talk a lot about our TUMI (theology and leadership) classes, but did you know that TUMI is just one of many curriculums we offer to the recently incarcerated? We will be highlighting one of these classes each month, with "Climbing Up" taking the spotlight for June.
Individuals may take our "Climbing Up" course in preparation for a successful reentry. Depending on how long their time away from society has been, it can be quite a shock returning to the free world and seeing the rapid progression of culture and technology (imagine seeing a smart phone for the first time)!
This course equips individuals with what they need to navigate all of the overwhelm and experience a successful reentry while staying true to themselves and Christ. Click here to learn more as well as explore the other resources we offer our clients.
Monthly Volunteer Opportunities
6.16, Sunday, 6-8 PM: worship at Clemons Unit Trustee Camp
6.23, Sunday, 8-10 AM, 10AM-12PM: 2 worship at Clemons Main Bldg
6.30, Sunday, 8-10AM: 2 worship services at Terrell Main Bldg and Expansion Facility
7.7 Sunday, 8-10AM: worship at Stringfellow
Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
We need your help!
We are entirely dependent on God and the resources He provides for us to continue spreading His love to the incarcerated in the Texas Criminal Justice System. Please consider giving a financial donation to support the men and women behind bars hear the Good News and receive the tools to turn their lives around!