Happy New Year!

Hello Family,

Happy New Year! We hope the holidays for you were a special time with loved ones to celebrate Christ’s birth and to be refreshed by His presence.

We are busy working on the exciting new plans we have for 2025, which we will share soon, but in the meantime, we have a couple of things for you.

In case you missed our 1st Annual Fundraising Event last fall, “Already in White,” we’ve put together this short video with some photo highlights. If you attended the banquet, you are probably in the video!

Thanks again to everyone who contributed their time and prayers or made a financial gift to help this event succeed. We raised over $30,000 from donations, which significantly impacted the ministry!

On January 24-25, we will hold an Encounter Retreat at the Clemens unit in Brazoria, ministering to the high custody offenders there. These individuals are in a high-security unit and are hardened criminals. Thank you for praying for repentance, deliverance, and healing to flow in Jesus’ name to the inmates there! Stay tuned for a report on how it went in next month’s newsletter!

Thank you for being here. We appreciate your partnership as we bring the Good News to the lost and hurting in our prison system.


God bless you, and God keep you!

Pastor Charles Anderson and the ELC Team

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