Meet David McMillan, Already in White interview feature for the month of November. David got locked up at 17 yrs old for 2 life sentences. He shares, “I’m not a frozen point of my life and I’m not a sum of my failures.” David appreciates how TUMI is a program that focuses on discipleship, not simply leaving you to figure out the Christian faith by yourself, after conversion. Click the link for more & if you would, share with a friend!

In October, we kicked off two new classes, one at the Trustee Camp at the Ramsey Unit and the other at the Trustee Camp at the Terrell Unit (for the first time ever!). ELC had 250 men attend our Saturday service at the Wynn Unit where 10 men gave their life to Jesus! We also have some exciting news about setting up our own sanctuary inside one of the units. Watch Pastor Charles’ latest Connect on YouTube to get the full scoop on ELC! Thank you for being here!

Would you partner with us to raise the funds for a sanctuary inside the Terrell Unit? We already have the space allocated for our use, we just need a budget to acquire the necessary items and equipment to get our incarcerated brothers set up with their own worship space.

This church room won’t need to be broken down and set up over and over adding to the wear and tear on equipment. It will be their very own space that simply gets locked at the end of a service. The room itself is air conditioned, which is not the case everywhere else, so we are hoping that aspect will encourage other inmates to show up for worship and hear about Christ!

Please go to this link to make a donation. You can then select the “General fund”. A contribution of any amount if greatly appreciated. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing behind bars!

Weekly Volunteer Opportunities

Written in Red

Tuesdays 6-8PM: Terrell Unit

Climbing Up

Thursdays AM: TBD Clemens Unit


Saturdays 1-3PM: TUMI Plane State Jail, Female Unit

Monthly Volunteer Opportunities

10.15, Sunday 6-8PM: worship at Clemens unit trustee camp

10.22, Sunday 8-10 AM, 10AM-12PM: 2 worship at Clemens Main Bldg

10.29, Sunday 8-10AM: 2 worship services, Terrell Main Bldg and

Expansion Facility

11.5, Sunday 8-10AM: worship at Stringfellow

11.12, Sunday 8-10AM: 2 worship services, Terrell Main Bldg and Expansion Facility 

We need your help!

We are entirely dependent on God and the resources He provides for us to continue spreading His love to the incarcerated in the Texas Criminal Justice System. Please consider giving a financial donation to support the men and women behind bars hear the Good News and receive the tools to turn their lives around!